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"We look forward to having you return in the future to continue the partnership we have created."

"Our tour guide, Mr. Sami Steigmann, made the experience personal. Sami was an excellent story teller who     was able to engage the students with a special story or joke."

"That your visit was well-received by all of my students is an understatement."

"All three presentations were tailored to the interests of the audience, and Sami's interactive style and               humor eased the discussionabout some of the worst crimes ever committed.

"Without a doubt, you left a lasting impressionon each and every student who got to hear you speak. I look       forward to having you come next year."

"I would like to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for speaking to my class. You truly showed   that you are a man of strength, wisdom, bravery, and courage. Your philosophy on life is one that we can all   admire deeply. I am so proud to have had you speak with my class. My students and I will always remember   this special moment."

"I wanted to reach out to thank you for providing so much information to the kids. For me it was especially       meaningful because I have such an interest in the Holocaust but have never had a chance to spend time           with someone who actually lived through it. I must tell you that I could have listened to you speak for               hours. You are truly an  amazing man and an incredible gift to all of those who hear you speak."

"I am sending this email to thank you so very much for introducing us to Mr. Sami Steigmann.  After today's     visit, he has become more than a visitor to us, but is now a friend and a member of our family. Words can't     express how much Mr. Sami's visit means to me personally, but has also meant to my kids and the                     wonderful people that I work with."

"Elena, I wrote to you just a couple of weeks ago and told you how much this experience would mean to me     and to my kids.  I am now writing you to tell you that this  experience was so much more than I expected."

"You made my day and all of my students."

"We are blessed to have met you :)"

"You always have a huge impact on the children, and it is always great to see."

"Boy, the Hudson Valley will never be the same after Sami came calling!"

"Thank you so much for presenting to our students last Friday, May 8th. Our students especially loved the         humor, honesty, and life lessons that you incorporated into your  presentation."

"One of my students was so moved by your story that she decided to make her memorial in dedication to all     of those who were affected by medical experimentation during the Holocaust."   

"Again, it was such a memorable day for Pelham Lab, and we hope to continue this tradition."

"We love having you and the children are forever touched by ur story! Hope to see you again next year!"

"Thanks so much for coming. We all admire and love you."

"I will never be able to thank you enough for all that you have done for me and all of the students. I hope           that my words express how I feel. I am so thankful that our lives crossed paths. I truly think that we were       meant to connect. "

"You gave them such an incredible experience that they will never forget and pass down from generation to     generation!!!"


































"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to be"  - Sami


NYC, New York

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