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The Steigmann Family “Upstanding Peace and Tolerance Award.”
This annual academic scholarship of $5,000 will be awarded to a New York City High School student that has demonstrated outstanding community leadership. The scholarship will be available to support college or post-high school education for the awardee.
Application materials must be submitted between June 15, 2021 and September 15, 2021
Eligibility New York City High School students in grades 11 or 12 during the year of the award are invited to apply for the award as individuals or a small group. The award is granted in the Fall semester of each academic year.
Demonstrate Upstanding Community Leadership The award winner must demonstrate impact in local community leadership. This can be through direct service, the arts, education, health, or any initiative that improves the well-being of a local community.
How to Apply All application materials must be submitted electronically and include the following:
One-page cover letter introducing yourself and the purpose of your leadership project(s)
Resume or curriculum vitae
Letter of recommendation from teacher, school administrator, or community leader
Clear and concise one-page description of the impact of your leadership
Evidence (pictures, flyers, video, etc.) that showcase your outstanding leadership
Send all application materials to “”
What happens after you submit your award application Be patient. Finalists will be contacted by the award committee during the last week in September.
Award Presentation Award winner will be notified during the first week of October. Winner(s) must be available in person to receive the award at 6 PM on November 5, 2021 in Manhattan. Transportation will be provided.
Award Funds Award winner has until June 30, 2022 to advise the Steigmann Foundation as to what college, university, or post-high school education center should receive the scholarship funds.
About Reghina and Nathan Steigmann The Reghina and Nathan Steigmann Foundation was established in 2017 by their son, Sami Steigmann. Sami is a Holocaust survivor who has dedicated his life to volunteerism, education, and peace and tolerance. The funds for this annual award come from the donations that individuals and organizations make on behalf of Sami’s extraordinary message of hope. Learn more about Sami Steigmann.
Questions or more information? Please e-mail “”
