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"Sami, thank you so much for talking to Hillel at Mississippi State University last night. You have touched our   lives. My daughter, Abby, is 14 and is in awe of you. You are a survivor. Last night, you taught her not only of   atrocities in your life and in the life of millions of others in the world, but you taught her that even in the         worst of times, you survived. You smile. You put one foot in front of the other. That is a lesson I was not           able to teach her. My son, Jacob (in Hillel), hasn't stopped talking about you. I lost my father a year ago to       brain cancer. Jacob told me there was something about you that reminded him of his Zaida. Last night, I saw   it as well. So, I also thank you for whatever it was, bringing my dad back to life and for passing the spirit of     life that you share since he is no longer able to share it. With a full heart of love."









"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to be"  - Sami


NYC, New York

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